How Deeper MLS Integration Continues to Fuel the Success of BPP With Homesnap
By Andrew Strauch, Bright MLS
The Broker Public Portal (BPP) with Homesnap, which is owned and operated by MLSs and real estate brokerages, continues to innovate by generating massive listing exposure and free leads for agents.
Bright MLS, an avid supporter of the BPP with Homesnap, added a new integration with Homesnap. The new service allows agents to market their listings and their brand right from within Bright MLS. This deeper integration between Homesnap and an MLS is the first of its kind.
Now, agents can create and monitor property listing campaigns from within Bright MLS. Agents using this service are seeing their listings sell faster and at higher prices, and it couldn’t be simpler. Homesnap’s widget (embedded within Bright MLS) provides digital ad options, giving agents more lead generation and business growth tools.
Undisturbed Agent Workflow
With the Homesnap widget, Bright MLS agents get even more value from the MLS, saving time with an integrated, undisrupted workflow.
When we implement something new, our mantra is “Do no harm.” New features must be nonintrusive and intuitive, just like checking a box. The digital ad options offered by Homesnap within Bright MLS are available when you enter the listing, modify pricing, modify status or at any other time through the dashboard. Ads can be scheduled to appear on sites like Facebook, Google and others.
With real-time data integration through the widget, Bright MLS is able to communicate the right information to Homesnap, so they are able to present the right offer and the right advertisement for the agent at the time of listing creation or edit.
The Homesnap widget sits within our listing management dashboard. If the agent doesn’t have an ad already running for the listing, the widget will present one. The widget also shows ad campaign progress, and for additional information, agents can click over to Homesnap for detailed reports on every campaign.
Bright MLS has always enjoyed strong Homesnap adoption, but with this integration, our adoption rates are now near 70 percent.
Easy for Any MLS to Accomplish
From a development standpoint, this project was not a large undertaking. The scope included coordination, plus some data integration and testing. We were able to leverage Homesnap’s engine, providing it the data it needed to run properly.
Together with Homesnap, we created ad program enrollments that are prominent enough for agents to notice, but not so prominent that it disrupts their workflow.
Today, our agents are happy with the new digital services, and Bright MLS is happy to be providing a less cumbersome service for agents.
It’s hard to understand why other MLSs don’t offer this integration with Homesnap. It’s not difficult to implement, it provides a valuable service to your customers and it generates revenue for the MLS. Why wouldn’t you integrate with Homesnap?
You can learn more about our integration with Homesnap here, by visiting brokerpublicportal.com and homesnap.com, or by emailing Eugene Gligor at egligor@homesnap.com.
An eight-plus year real estate industry veteran, Andrew Strauch is vice president of Premium Revenue at Bright MLS, a leading multiple listing service serving approximately 95,000 real estate professionals who support 20 million consumers throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, including Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia.